Life Coaching

Life Coaching is a journey of self-discovery. The beauty of my life coaching is that I will help support you through a limiting behavior, a difficult time, or situation while assisting you to come up with your own effective and workable game plan to achieve your goals. I don’t stop there! Once we have identified a game plan, I will be there to assist and support you in working your plan in steps that are comfortable to you, yet move you forward until we have eliminated any roadblocks and overcome them. I’m your cheerleader and your coach to get you through the rough patches.
What really makes my Life Coaching so successful is that I help you develop your own plan. Then I back you every step of the way to see you through. When a plan is of your own design, it is much easier to see it through, especially if accountability is involved and I have your back every step of the way!
I Specialize in:
Health and Wellness Coaching
Premarital Coaching
Couples Coaching
Stress and anxiety Coaching
Grief Coaching
Take advantage of my FREE 1/2 hour phone consultation.
However, there is yet another aspect to my practice that I find extremely effective if you choose to utilize it and that is Reiki. Reiki can help remove mental and emotional blocks and can assist you in moving quickly through your process while relieving stress among other things. With a very effective blend of Reiki, combined with skillful Life Coaching you can very quickly transform your life into what you really want it to be. This is especially true if you are dealing with emotional loss or grief.
With or without Reiki, my life coaching will make your goals a reality!